We mustn't get bogged down in details.
Let's focus our attention on the main problem and not get bogged down in minor issues.
We did not want to get bogged down in answering old questions.
Don't get bogged down in the past - keep an eye on the road ahead.
But architectures often get bogged down in symbols and connections.
You don't waste time on trifles, and you don't get bogged down in negativity.
I change the subject as I don't want to get bogged down in matters of British history.
If you let yourself get bogged down in homework, you'll never find time to read books.
The new working groups, which are due to meet within 30 days, could rapidly get bogged down in bickering.
Today with the Full Moon in your chart area of everyday communications you may get bogged down in trivia.
It is so easy to get bogged down in day-to-day administrative work that there is little time for strategic policymaking.
They start off by saying not to get bogged down in details-and now they advise against starting without an itemized plan.
You need not get bogged down in grammar and drills. You will be surprised how fast you learn when you are enjoying yourself.
The key is to not get bogged down in trivialities and side issues and to keep our sights set firmly on the goal: healthy children.
But when handling such historical problems, we should ask people to look forward rather than get bogged down in minor issues.
Time's limited, and you can get bogged down in asking challenging questions relevant to particular duties in the job description.
We often get bogged down in over-analyzing our past, hoping it will give us clues into how we can change our lives right here, right now.
As I immerse myself in these subjects, however, I realize that it would be a misuse of my time and energy to get bogged down in details.
Bosses often complain that they get bogged down in day-to-day operations, says Rajesh Chandy, a professor at the London Business School.
Seek always to create great and useful value for others. But don't get bogged down in worrying about what others might or might not think.
The community should have a better way of handling this process, which currently tends to get bogged down in review, especially if the fork is large.
It's hard to assign a worthwhile definition to each type of computer because definitions can get bogged down in potentially confusing technical jargon.
Organize yourself now for the semester or the next few months ahead, and you'll find yourself less likely to get bogged down in things you could've done earlier.
In this phase, iterative refinements of the product design get bogged down in new features, and there is no time for conducting full-spectrum user research.
Being familiar with the requirements will help you not to get bogged down in the requirement details and allow you to focus on the model and the design approach.
So it seems a pity that a review of the court’s workings, due to open in Uganda on May 31st, will in all probability get bogged down in a destructive argument (see article).
So it seems a pity that a review of the court’s workings, due to open in Uganda on May 31st, will in all probability get bogged down in a destructive argument (see article).