While the temptation will be to get fired up about something this week Leo, lets have you diving in those beautiful waters of appreciation and exploration.
So they end up getting a co-founder and parting with 50 percent of their company, even if their CTO is really a young prototype designer who will get discouraged or fired a few months later.
If you tell your boss that he's doing it wrong and stand up for something better, you might get laughed at, yelled at, or fired.
Partner up: No one gets fired for hiring IBM, so get IBM on your side.
If I mess up again, I'll get fired.
Many people get fired or end up with their family life in chaos because of that.
Dating Bosses: False accusations of favoritism may arise. You may get fired after the break-up.
I had a friend who went through a period of tremendous rejection: she was fired from her job, she didn't get into the graduate program to which she'd applied, and her boyfriend broke up with her.
"People watch movies and get all fired up to be scientists," he said. "Sometimes I watch sci-fi and it raises interesting questions."
"People watch movies and get all fired up to be scientists," he said. "Sometimes I watch sci-fi and it raises interesting questions."