The whole thing is frightening to start with, daunting and sometimes boring but it's like coming off a drug, coming down from something and you have to get used to it.
Remember we don't have printing presses, so you can't just send something off anonymously or pseudonymously to a publisher, and just try to get it published with a printing press.
There are people who don't ultimately succeed with the Atkins Nutritional Approach because they can't get past the notion that a diet is something they get on and then get off, as you would a bus.
Or just get together with someone you love and talk about something else entirely, just to take your mind off whatever is haunting you, give it a break.
The bottom line is that if you are not able to get along with them then you are most likely better off trying something else on for size.
It always feels good to get something over with, and finishing something you have been putting off is usually a good idea in general.
Most of our clientele was well-off retirees and 30-something recently divorced men hoping to get a date with someone coming in after a yoga class.
So if I start off with a list of length n, how many times can I divide it by 2, until I get to something no more than two left?
So if I start off with a list of length n, how many times can I divide it by 2, until I get to something no more than two left?