Easy now. If you get on the horse too quickly, you'll scare him.
And maybe the path of least resistance is just not get on the horse.
She wanted to get back on the horse.
Easy Ways to Get Rich: Bet on the right horse, with free money.
As for the euro zone, it can hardly claim that senior Spanish and Italian debt is now safe for institutional investors if it has to horse-trade too hard to get China on board.
Make sure you book a tour guide before you go and, if you decide on a horse or camel ride, haggle over price beforehand. You may also have to haggle as you try to get off the ride.
Get down off your high horse of being on top of the world.
You're supposed to get up, brush the dust off, and get back on that horse!
You would not want to get off one horse and on to an other in the middle of river.
You would not want to get off one horse and on to another in the middle of a river. Or make major changes in an activity that has already begun.
Come on, ride off to town, and get money for the horse, or make a good bargain with it.
On the recce you really get to feel it: when you drive into a village on those little cobbled roads it's like a cowboy riding in on his horse.
Automobiles have been banned on the island since 1898, so people get around by bike, horse and 5 buggy, or on foot.
The less time you spend wallowing in your loss and the faster you get back up on the horse, the more quickly you can resume your ascent to the zenith.
It's too bad this time but you're going to have to just get back on the horse, and try again harder for the next client.
It's too bad this time but you're going to have to just get back on the horse, and try again harder for the next client.