In Spain, people can get on your back and maybe live the game more.
If you give the home team even a bit of encouragement, especially in a tight ground like this, the crowd get behind them and get on your back.
Don't overspend on your home and expect to get the money back when you sell.
If you fall off your horse, you can just get back on.
Why hadn't anyone advised us that the travel agency can't refund your money unless the tour operator can get the passengers' fees back from the reserved hotels, the tour bus company and so on?
Although it can be a workout on its own, if your goal is to get back to Zumba classes, tennis, cycling, or any other activity, walking is also a great first step.
You, because of your size, were able to reach the hat on the wall, but having lost it, you were unable to get it back.
Conflict isn't unusual in relationships, but you'll be much happier as a couple if you get your relationship back on track sooner rather than later after a fall out.
If you have lost your romantic partner, heed this old advice: Get back on that horse again.
Forget about the line-up of shows on cable - not only do you get a big chunk of your life back, you also save money in the process.
Put your credit card away (better still, cut it up), dust off your tent, get on your bike and go and put the adventure back in your life.
If you're trying to persuade a new boss to bring you back into your old job, focus on your accomplishments and get references to back up your claims.
If you fall off your horse, you get back on.
A new, flattering wardrobe is not a quick fix for self esteem problems, but it can help get you back on the right track as you begin your self improvement journey.
This month you were meant to slow down, prioritize your goals, rethink and redo certain projects or endeavors, and get things back on track.
Have you ever had the experience of looking back on your week with the sinking feeling that you didn't get as much done as you'd hoped?
If you are actually indispensable your employer will, perhaps begrudgingly, give you the time you need to get your relationship with family and friends back on track.
Once kids get big enough to reach the monkey bars on their own, your job is to stand back and watch them go.
If you want to cut back on your hours, work from home on occasion, or get some other benefit that's important to you, ask for a pay cut in exchange.
Remember to hop your Vikings back up into the air if things get hairy on the ground, and fly critically damaged flyers back to base for repair.
Simply acknowledging that you are not controlling your impulses will often be enough to get you back on track with your work.
Toss all those feelings out. And get the hell off your ass and back on track.
You'll get your miles in during the warmest time of day and come back with a smile on your face.
But the good news is that if you're prone to emotional eating, you can take steps to regain control of your eating habits and get back on track with your weight-loss goals.
It doesn't take much to get back on track and the people in your life (yourself included) will be thankful for your initiative.
You've been working hard on the initial setup, and when you get back from your well-earned break, you need to test to make sure you've done everything right.
You've been working hard on the initial setup, and when you get back from your well-earned break, you need to test to make sure you've done everything right.