Don't get out of order, children. Stay in your places in line.
So in order to get the best out of any multicultural team, leaders should keep the following tips in mind.
He made up his mind to develop the tea industry in order to help the local people get out of poverty.
Get it all out of your head and onto paper. Don't worry about order.
There's also something called "emergency mode" which is a "panic" status you can set in order to try to get data out of a damaged database.
这里还同样有叫做“紧急模式(emergency mode) ”的东西,它是一个为从严重损坏的数据库中取出数据而可以设置的“恐慌”状态。
In order to get the most out of your highly anticipated vacation, heed the following tips for teachers.
If you can get that level of depth of field for that cheap in order to single out your subjects in your photos, why not go for it?
One of us has to grow up and get out of the circumstance (in order to help the other).
In order to locate pockets of time for each upcoming week, get your calendar out; you won't need more than 15 minutes to organize your schedule.
I know for my part that I'd surrender everything, honor included, in order to get out of the mess.
I actually need to write in order to get the thoughts out instead of spinning around my head.
Sometimes, network conditions can cause audio packets to arrive out of order, to be lost in transmission, or to take longer to get to their intended destination than expected.
I later learned that it's an old obstetric trick to threaten the mother of twins with a C-section in order to get her to push out the second baby, but Dr. Gold insisted he wasn't playing that game.
We are trying to get our bearings, find out where the bottom is in order to put one foot in front of the other.
In order to remove some selection bias, he's even hired someone to be (at least some of the time) 'Chief Nag' to get results out of resistant responders.
But one can imagine other situations where the disaster response is crowdsourced, and maybe the crowd is some combination of people in-country and out-of-country in order to get the fastest results.
They also might ask wild cards to break out of the routine of a typical interview in order to get a glimpse of your genuine personality.
And you will have fun en route, though not nearly as much as you'll have once you get that language in working order and take it out to the firing range of the real world!
They're not like cleaning out the garage - you have to have a certain amount of inspiration and mental clarity in order to get going.
On my way out through the main doors a girl suddenly appeared and asked me, that if I was really short of cash, she was willing to lend me some, in order for me to get home.
Both the server and the client must be prepared to get Ajax requests and responses out of order, and some of them might even be missed.
If they can get the added functionality finished, baked into ROM, approved by carriers, and pushed out in short order, we'll have the final proof that we're looking at a brand new kind of Palm.
Yet when Schultz issued a direct order to Starbucks' head of global products — "Get the sandwiches out!"
You don't even have to get out of your car to pick up a Big Mac. You place your order at the drive-thru and within two minutes you can take the first bite as you drive home.
In some cases, the answer may be to get to work early in order to carve out some sustained thinking time at the start of the day.
Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer.
Eclipses move us out of ruts, get us more excited or alert - in short they do whatever they have to do in order to keep us moving forward.
The "grazers" order food at the deli, eat it as they're shopping, and get rid of the wrappers before they check out. We also call that stealing.
The "grazers" order food at the deli, eat it as they're shopping, and get rid of the wrappers before they check out. We also call that stealing.