See More With nüvi 255W's widescreen display, you'll always get the big picture.
Bill Venners: How does the reader get the big picture of what's all there in a wiki?
Get the big picture and see exactly where you are in the thumbnail map navigation window.
To get the big picture of what has changed in the new workloads, review table 3, which shows data from the perspective of recipients of mail and the message distribution therein.
表3 进一步描述了新工作负载中发生的变化,其中给出从邮件收件人角度看到的消息分布情况。
Then I read the article and get the big picture, like what the article is about and what each passage is for. It works perfectly for me. I do not know if there is any other short-cut.
其实我自认阅读能力不错 结果却都超乎我想象的,我用的方法是详读,每次做完我都会去好好的看完全文,把意思和结构搞懂。
With that big of an opening, however, you might get too much light in the camera and your picture could be overexposed, almost a whiteout.
Get agreement on the big picture, then turn to action.
Now here is the big picture, if you can get a high quality peak performance program and go through it as it says then you will increase your performance.
Once you've started with the basics outlined above, like decreasing bedtime stimulation, it's time to get serious about the big picture of your sleep needs.
Most career advice you receive focuses on the big picture: how to get ahead, how to “win, ” and such things that are on a much larger scale than the daily grind that most of us face.
Ury calls this "going to the balcony" in order to get a big picture handle on what's going on so that you are not getting too worked up over irrelevant details.
You get to see the big picture and where you're headed design-career-wise, and you're more likely to try bolder, outside-the-norm ideas that results in the most creative and innovative designs.
We get on the bus. Amy shows her picture to the bus driver. Richard shows his picture to the big kids. I put my picture between the seats.
Note: the 'big picture' that you get from this session about the domain does not necessarily reflect reality.
But Johnnie can't see the big picture. He's unwilling to wait. He wants to get paid now.
The level of detail sometimes makes it hard to get a sense for the big picture, but it does help somebody trying to figure out how a particular function works.
Nature's mystery is still vague to mankind. Without knowing the whole picture clearly, mankind applies knowledge widely, so that their activities get the world into a big messy.
But on the flip side, taking a nap may boost a sophisticated kind of memory the helps us see the big picture and get creative.
Thee level of detail sometimes makes it hard to get a sense for the big picture, but it does help somebody trying to figure out how a particular function works.
Thee level of detail sometimes makes it hard to get a sense for the big picture, but it does help somebody trying to figure out how a particular function works.