Don't you get tired after a while?
But I always get tired after two rounds and lose the game.
Is it easy to get tired after lunch or they've found the Treasure Cave ahead?
And also especially good when they can do massages to them because the girls might get tired after a whole days work.
While it's natural for people to get tired after fielding many phone calls, an effective system would not get exhausted.
In case of big questionnaires usually user tends to get tired after answering first 15-20 questions and fails to do justice with response for rest of the part.
如果在回答了前15 - 20个问题后,长的问卷表会使用户感觉厌烦,他们就不会对其余的问题做出正确的判断。
The only trouble is that as people get tired after the initial sprint, you will have to navigate through them (or over them, but I don't think Miss Manners would approve).
You might get just a little bit tired out after the first few thousand kilometers, especially with all the oxygen tanks you'll have to be hauling up with you.
I have to get food fast because after all the biking I am tired and I need the energy.
After about 60 minutes, reviewers simply get tired and stop finding additional defects.
As anyone who has worked at an ice cream store can tell you, you get tired of ice cream after working with it for eight hours a day.
It is also common just after we get up - when, presumably, we are not tired at all.
Your body temperature will slowly drop after you get out of the tub, making you feel tired.
I'm often very tired when I get home after work.
"After a while either they'll get tired of tearing it down, or it'll show them that we're not stopping just because you're going to hate," she said.
I was exhausted but it's that kind of exhausted I get after a shoot: I'm tired but I'm wired. Can't sleep, totally in the zone, amped up and high, but physically wiped out.
As well as dining in a restaurant, when people are too tired to cook after work they often get a ‘take-away’.
But after long play sessions, your arms tend to get tired due to the iPad's weight.
"After you've been job hunting for a while, it's easy to get tired of the process, but it's important not to let your frustration show through," Fay says.
The problem is that you get tired of doing math after a while, 100 years, 1,000 years, a million years, whatever it is.
After you have been lecturing for an hour, you would get thirsty and tired.
After working in the office all day, people get tired and would choose to stay at home, watch TV after finishing dinner.
Then the original is very empty dormitories clean up, after military training in order to get tired, they can lie on the ground.
But, usually, detecting of the gauge with pointer is by manual work, after long time for vision work, eyes will get tired, and this leads to low detecting precision and long detecting period.
Your body temperature will slowly drop after you get out of the tub, making you feel tired.
I really very tired after I know you get together with other girls.
After a delicious meal still feeling rather tired after travelling all night, they decided to get some rest in readiness for a busy day tomorrow which includes a press call at 2.30 PM in the hotel.
After a delicious meal still feeling rather tired after travelling all night, they decided to get some rest in readiness for a busy day tomorrow which includes a press call at 2.30 PM in the hotel.