He has been fantastic for us this season - he seems to be getting even better with age.
Until then, select the specific products for your performance needs, and look forward to getting even better capabilities in the future.
With their Pack-line defense getting even better at not over-helping (help defense … what a concept! ) against dribble penetration, the 19-2 Celtics have the NBA's top defensive rating.
You will get through much more work more quickly if you actively arrange your role so you can focus on what you are good at and, even better, practise getting even better at what you are good it.
After all, by continuing to pile riches on the narrow winners, the taxpayers are not getting the maximum bang for their buck if the close losers are performing just as well or even better.
And even if you argue that writing elegant code gives you a better chance at getting the solution sooner, I know of no studies done on this.
Influencing is getting events to happen by convincing the other person that your way is the better way - even if it's not what they want.
Training to improve finger strength, getting better at lock-offs, and even back-stepping (the single most useful technique in all of climbing!
Even doing meaningless or unnecessary tasks makes you feel better than just sitting around getting bored, express.co.uk reported.
Sugawara expects to double his sales figures, and he could probably do even better, but he's having a hard time getting vehicles.
I am getting better at accepting the decisions I make even if they are suboptimal or not the absolute best in hindsight.
Even after sixteen years of cleaning people's houses, I want to think the world is getting better and better, but really I know it 'snot.
'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' is finally exploding things in theaters, and it's even getting some decent reviews (well, better than the last one anyway).
Constant scrutiny and editing means even the worst articles are gradually getting better, while the best ones are kept nicely polished and up to date.
I'm getting better at it even though I haven't mastered it yet.
Learn our tips on how you can properly follow-up with whoever interviewed you and give you even better chances of getting hired!
We know that getting the Senate to do as well as the House won't be easy. But Mr. Obama will have to press them to do even better.
Yet that isn't enough, since many people work hard for decades without approaching greatness or even getting significantly better.
No matter which of these tricks you're trying - or even if you're looking for a new position altogether - just be sure you put a priority on getting better.
I kept telling myself I was getting better, even when I wasn't.
If you feel you are getting negative news from TV then stop watching that channel or even better switch off TV.
"But once you know what's in season you'll be getting the better tasting stuff, even if it's in the grocery store," she said, because it will be fresher.
Although many sites are anonymous, the mobsters seem to be getting better at tracking down contributors, even outside Mexico.
This is a crucial point, because meditation is not about changing who we are, or becoming better people, or even about getting rid of destructive habits.
Some DSLRs even have articulated screens that can be angled to offer a better view when getting behind the camera is difficult.
Let's suppose you're female and puzzled by why you keep getting passed over for promotion -- despite having qualifications equal to, or maybe even better than, your male peers'.
Taurus, it just keeps getting better, and next month, even more so!
Taurus, it just keeps getting better, and next month, even more so!