Induce Giardia lamblia C2 strain to complete its life cycle in vitro.
Morrison et al. describe such a genome from the diplomonad protist Giardia lamblia.
Instantly he knew that I had contracted giardia; no sample was needed.
Then a few years ago, Giardia were found to have a form of mitochondria after all.
Objective To induce Giardia lamblia C2 strain to complete its life cycle in vitro.
For Giardia, such a specific alternative is not so clear-cut, but the genome may provide clues.
Giardia is very distantly related to animals and fungi, and some think it resembles the very first eukaryotes.
Study on giardia and cryptosporidium leak for recycling filter backwash water in a water treatment plant;
以湘江原水为研究对象 ,对滤池反冲洗废水回用进行了小试及生产性试验研究。
Cryptosporidium and Giardia axe two common species of pathogenic protozoan, seriously endangering the water quality.
Most notably, there are no mitochondria in Giardia or its relatives, in keeping with its tolerance for low levels of oxygen.
There was thought to be one exception, however, in the form of Giardia, a single-celled parasite with a nasty effect on people.
The outcome of this debate affects not only our understanding of early eukaryotic evolution, but also our view of Giardia biology.
Chlorine is generally More effective than iodine in controlling Giardia, and both disinfectants work much better in warmer water.
The homology of Giardia canis virus to sequence of L13218(GenBank) was 94.62% in the nucleotide, and 93.50% in the amino acid levels.
其序列与国外报道的人源蓝氏贾第虫病毒(L13218) 序列同源性为94.62%,编码的氨基酸同源性为93.50%;
The risk for Giardia infection differed between the two sites due to differences in concentration of this pathogen in the wastewater.
Objective to detect the cleavage activity of Giardia Canis virus (GCV) transfer vector-mediated hammerhead ribozyme for KRR1 in vitro transcript.
Among the many waterborne disease-causing viruses are hepatitis a and norwalk; the pathogenic protozoa include cryptosporidium entamoeba and giardia.
The evolution of Giardia has commanded a level of attention matched by few other organisms because it differs from the "textbook" eukaryote in many ways.
The compact Giardia genome is replete with information ranging from the simplicity of its molecular systems to how the parasite interacts with its environment.
This does not preclude an early divergence for both Giardia and parabasalids, for this depends on where the root of the eukaryotic tree lies, which is difficult to resolve.
Nucleolar structure is one of the most obvious symbols. However, little is known about its evolutionary origin. Some previous studies implied that Giardia has no nucleolus.
Morrison et al. show high levels of divergence in much of the Giardia genome, so although the genome may contain data to reconstruct Giardia's history, it will be a challenge to use it.
Morrison et al. show high levels of divergence in much of the Giardia genome, so although the genome may contain data to reconstruct Giardia's history, it will be a challenge to use it.