Patrick Gill, who headed the project, had been trying to create a lens-less implantable device to detect brain neurons that, due to modifications, glow when they’re active.
Such small-scale, traditional fishing methods are far less hazardous to botos than the growing use of gill nets, which can entrap and quickly kill dolphins.
Perkinsus trophozoites predominantly focused in the clam connective tissue, and frequently found in gill, mantle and digested gland, less in adductor muscle and efferent siphon, no found in podium.
Patrick Gill, who headed the project, had been trying to create a lens-less implantable device to detect brain neurons that, due to modifications, glow when they're active.
Patrick Gill, who headed the project, had been trying to create a lens-less implantable device to detect brain neurons that, due to modifications, glow when they're active.