Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor.
The remaining 114 tons of liquid helium in the collider was unaffected by the leak, said Gillies.
If the test works, "I think we'll have some very happy people around this weekend," CERN spokesperson James Gillies said.
But engineers are hoping that their pretesting—using compressed air to fire a ping-pong ball down the pipe, Gillies says—will prevent such a mishap.
但工程师们希望他们的预测试——使用压缩空气将乒乓球注入管道——也许可以避免此类事故, Giilies 认为。
One of his mentors in Britain was Sir Harold Gillies, who pioneered techniques in modern plastic surgery while operating on mutilated World War I veterans.
Gillies' view of probability, that is, there are three currently viable interpretations of probability: the subjective, the inter-subjective and the propensity.
Nor is it a collider - Gillies says that the first collisions will not come for at least ten days, giving physicists and engineers time to practise controlling the beams.
Nor is it a collider - Gillies says that the first collisions will not come for at least ten days, giving physicists and engineers time to practise controlling the beams.