Finally, we give as an example the calculation of complex velocity potential for a twisted duct with square cross-section.
An example is a long-running business process that, once created, wants to give a dedicated set of users the right to perform administrative actions such as suspend, resume, and repair on it.
As I said before, this is a quick example to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.
As your weakness, identify a strength you take to an extreme: "Sometimes I get so caught up in my subject that I give people too much information, " for example.
"As your weakness, identify a strength you take to an extreme:" Sometimes I get so caught up in my subject that I give people too much information, "for example."
But they also sell the vision, act as an example, tell stories, confront reality, ask the right questions, demonstrate possibilities, reassure, and give hope for a bright future.
Similarly, various runtime packages exist that support the provisioning and consumption of Web services via SOAP, just to give one protocol as an example.
Let's give it a try. We are going to use the YouTube Image as an example.
Can you give an example of a surprise in your writing process, such as a character you weren't expecting?
His paper takes Internet book review as an example to analyze present situation of library and give several Suggestions for library's Internet book review.
Give an example of an opportunity cost that an accountant might not count as a cost. Why would the accountant ignore this cost?
To order give the complete valve and actuator identification by specifying the order code for each item as shown. An example is shown for your reference.
As an indicative example to give you a more concrete feel about the actual artifacts, imagine a manager maintaining a text document with the requirements and a visio diagram of the process flow.
Please give us some explanations about the history of se by taking a key social enterprise as an example.
To give an example, by searching for a specific word, one is able to get all occurrences of that word as result.
According to characteristics of the model, we give an effective network flow algorithm, and dissect several quality about algorithm, and take a computation as example.
In this paper we also give a real project as an example, so that we can tell the result of this method clearly.
She said she wants to give back to society because she had got so much from it, using her heavily-subsidized tuition in the drama academy and the dance school as an example.
Part VI the author give a process of symbol festival's selection and plan by choosing Qingdao Beer festival as an example and make the theory concretely and figuratively.
This article give an example, recount about frozen flavored foods manufacture, take effective measures, so as to assure finished products quality.
" I silently think: "this is really a kind man, is worth a good example to all of us, when I grow up to also want to ready to help others, as they give an own love! "
Can you give an example of your topic as it applies to the real life?
Finally, take washer as an example to give its model of representation of the four layers, and describe it with OWL.
We also give the approximate algorithm of dispersed optimum control model, and compute the numerical value of our country's h-l water injection developing oilfield as an example.
Finally, take the Nongfu Spring company as an example, the writer analyze the sport marketing strategy of the company and then give recommendations.
An entirely see-through office stands as an example to the goals of the project to give ultimate transparency within the workplace.
To give the coal amount cluster fusion control system as an example, we study the design of the adaptive fuzzy control system.
The forth chapter, see the text-matching and maximum entropy as two case explained the algorithm and implementation of role annotation. And give an example of "steal".
The forth chapter, see the text-matching and maximum entropy as two case explained the algorithm and implementation of role annotation. And give an example of "steal".