Pawnbrokers give customers money in return for an object which is held as security until the customer pays off the loan plus any interest charges.
Over 75% of Greenlanders voted to give themselves the right to loosen ties with Denmark by slowly taking control of such areas as security, justice and police affairs.
If you have to give them additional privileges, compartmentalize that extra boost to their security profile, then take that privilege away as soon as they're done working.
And as we give thanks for our security, let's in turn thank those who've sacrificed to make it possible, wherever they may be.
Mr Sarkozy has been hardening his own anti-immigration and security talk, partly in a bid to woo National Front voters; as a result, he would give Mr Le Pen a harder contest than, say, Mr DE Villepin.
In all these scenarios, you can use the higher-level Web service protocols such as WS-Addressing and WS-Security, which give you flexible routing schemes and secure interactions, respectively.
在所有这些场景中,您可以使用诸如ws - Addressing和WS - Security等高级Web服务协议,这些协议分别为您提供灵活的路由方案和安全的交互。
Imagine that you want to give a non-programmer an application that makes it easy to update a password. Leaving aside again the security consideration, it's as easy to do as.
As long as you give me a happy hug every day, this is a day to give me a sense of security.
That no one will defy, as well-known rules which give people a sense of security thing.
Over 75% of Greenlanders voted to give themselves the right to loosen ties with Denmark by slowly taking control of such areas as security, justice and police affairs.
As a significant national financial asset, foreign exchange reserve should give attention to its security, liquidity and profitability.
As we understand it from media reports, the current scenario seems most likely to give rise to a breach of the full protection and security protection.
Mr Hatoyama, who is trying to give Japan a more prominent role in Asia without jeopardising its security guarantee from America, described his proposal as a "medium-term objective".
As a nation with many neighbors, China should give priority to the question of how to make good peripheral security environment.
This paper give detail description of SI-MIS feature and relevant realization, key technology such as network data storage scheme and information security strategy are also included.
As the IoT concept transforms plant architecture, defence-by-default security strategies will give way to defence-by-design solutions.
Therefore we analyze the meaning and give some suggestions on its construction so as to arouse more attention on habitat security.
Don't give out confidential information such as your bank account, credit card or Social Security Numbers.
Grandparents are a special case. They give grandchildren a feeling of security and continuity. As my husband put it, "my grandparents gave me a deep sense that things would turn out right in the end."
The Merchant shall give such cash deposit or other security as the Carrier may deem sufficient to cover the estimated General Average contribution of the Goods before delivery.
The Merchant shall give such cash deposit or other security as the Carrier may deem sufficient to cover the estimated General Average contribution of the Goods before delivery.