He hints that another 20 May give cause for concern.
Handing over another big dollop of state aid will give Ms Kroes even greater cause for concern.
My health is now better than it was last December, and I would like to spend the coming year as I did this year and I will try not to give people cause for concern.
And whether events give you cause either for hope or concern, there is something good to be gained from them.
At some companies, comments on performance reviews are uncommon, so anything that's not is cause for concern. Other companies give every worker areas for improvement.
The prospects for the coming years look favorable on the whole, and only the situation in the USA may give some cause for concern.
At some companies, negative comments on performance reviews are uncommon, so anything that's not glowing is cause for concern. Other companies give every worker areas for improvement.
Nevertheless, certain characteristics of informal agency processes give special cause for concern .
Senderos admits his lack of action is starting to give him cause for concern, especially as the 2010 World Cup is drawing ever closer.
Senderos admits his lack of action is starting to give him cause for concern, especially as the 2010 World Cup is drawing ever closer.