He turned back and, with his elbow, popped the glass pane.
To achieve the purity of perception of the glassy surface, a unique corner glass pane with inside metal structure was introduced.
When unloading the glass pane on the rack, the remained panes on the rack should be bound and fixed to prevent them from falling.
There are several types of scanners and some look very different, but most look like a flat tray with a glass pane and a lid to cover it.
The tool (50) for removing coatings is mounted on the slide (4) in a manner that enables it to pivot about an axis (61) that is normal to the glass pane (2).
The water jet which is cutting the glass pane (3) is captured damped by the water surge without its atomizing and rebounding onto the back of the glass pane (3).
The water jet which is cutting the glass pane (3) is captured damped by the water surge without its atomizing and rebounding onto the back-of the glass pane (3).
The calendar says it's spring, but there could just as easily be a winter blizzard, a summer swelter, or an autumn cold snap on the other side of that glass pane.
The living room of the house can be considered as the heart of a home; a physical as well as a mental interior that allows for daydreaming about that world beyond the glass pane.
One of Fuller's major inventions was underlighting, in which she stood on a pane of frosted glass illuminated from underneath.
I watch my reflection in a pane of glass.
Layers of material which work as filters, electrodes, transistors and the liquid crystal itself are deposited onto a thin glass plate to form a sandwich that is covered with another pane of glass.
The shrimp feeds by smashing open itsprey with a force that can break a pane of glass, and its dartingbulbous eyes are thought to be the most complex in nature.
这种虾以能粉碎玻璃的力量粉碎猎物,并以粉碎的猎物为食。 据说,它那刺人的鼓眼睛是自然界最复杂的眼睛。
As more droplets are attracted, they spread out and eventually join together and run off the surface-as they do on a pane of glass.
My fastball couldn't crack a pane of glass. Hitters would just sit there and wait for it.
There's a reason old windowpanes distort everything: They were made by rapidly squeezing a sheet of red-hot glass between two hot rollers, which produced a cheap but uneven pane.
He has just demonstrated how potential energy turns into kinetic energy by sending the ball flying across the stage, shattering a pane of glass he had bolted to the wall.
That won't pay me for my chair and pane of glass!
A projector beams the images onto the window pane from the inside of the shop, while a thin touch foil mounted on the glass powers the touch screen.
Through the RIM pane of glass, IT can centrally manage a range of devices without having to run multiple support programs.
Cloudless, that is, except for two or three long white lines smeared across the perfect blue sky by airplanes like smudges on a pane of glass.
There is not a single pane of glass anywhere around the site, and the only mechanical ventilation installed is in the gallery.
In October, 1815, he was released; he had entered there in 1796, for having broken a pane of glass and taken a loaf of bread.
We start transparent, and then the cloud thickens. All history backs our pane of glass. To escape is vain.
To solve this, the crew reflected a real fire onto a pane of glass in front of the camera so that it looks as though the pyre is burning.
She replaced the broken pane of glass.
She replaced the broken pane of glass.