Tears glistening in his eyes, his right hand clutching his black armband, Lampard pointed to the heavens.
The other room is full ofr Chinese Ming and Qing dynasty's furniture; their black wood were inlaid with glistening jewels.
He was wearing a long black cloak, and his face was as pale as the snow glistening on his shoulders.
Or, rather, a black-and-white photograph of a male model's glistening muscles is draped across the four-storey façade of a soon-to-open Abercrombie & Fitch store.
或者更准确的说,在一座四层建筑的外墙上,挂着一幅黑白照片:一位男模肌肉闪闪发亮、光彩照人。而这里就是即将开业的阿贝克隆比& 费奇。
Or, rather, a black-and-white photograph of a male model's glistening muscles is draped across the four-storey façade of a soon-to-open Abercrombie & Fitch store.
或者更准确的说,在一座四层建筑的外墙上,挂着一幅黑白照片:一位男模肌肉闪闪发亮、光彩照人。而这里就是即将开业的阿贝克隆比& 费奇。