Both initiatives were established with the critical support of the Global Compact.
As the network of Global Compact in China, we are very proud of the achievements COSCO Group has made.
The Global Compact, which obliges signatories to uphold certain basic standards, has also been extremely popular.
The world's first, it's an exciting design and production technology, the global compact car in the level set a new benchmark.
The verification has been done in good collaboration with CEC (China Enterprise Confederation) Global Compact Promotion Office.
We wish we can receive support and help from China Business Council Global Compact Promotion Office, COSCO Group and all the related parties.
I expect to see more Global Compact member enterprises from China to be listed on the Global Compact Sample Report list just like COSCO Group is.
The global compact arrived at in the multilateral meetings in Monterrey, Doha and Johannesburg remains fundamental to achieving greater equity, stability and poverty reduction.
The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220, a clamshell adaptation of the compact Pearl "smart" phone, will be available from several global carriers this fall.
This meta-information contains compact statistics and quality-of-service information, and effectively forms a global directory.
The GD8200 delivers powerful computing, razor-sharp images in full sun and highly sensitive global positioning in a compact, fully-rugged case.
Over the past 30 years, AIDS has forged a social new compact between the global north and the south.
She has handed out fliers listing small actions people can take to fight global warming, like using compact fluorescent light bulbs and lobbying for schools to teach the subject.
Yet the evidence of a global trend of broadsheet newspapers converting to compact formats is inconsistent.
It is shown that this algorithm ensures convergence to a global minimum with probability 1in a compact region of a weight vector space.
The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220, a adaptation of the compact Pearl "smart" phone, will be available from several global carriers this fall.
The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220, a adaptation of the compact Pearl "smart" phone, will be available from several global carriers this fall.