This week Brown leaves for a six-day world tour to build support for his proposed "global new deal".
The research comes as efforts intensify to find a way to include protection for tropical forests in carbon credit schemes, as part of a new global climate deal to replace the Kyoto protocol.
A summit on "the State of the Planet" hosted by Columbia University examined the link between poverty and climate change, and called for a new, global plan of action to deal with the two issues.
We have seen a year in which the commitments reached at Doha, Monterrey, and Johannesburg have laid a new basis for a global deal.
This could be critical in securing their commitment to a new global deal on climate change at talks in Copenhagen in December.
We can have a New Deal on Global Food Policy.
We need a New Deal for Global Food Policy.
I came into these meetings underscoring the vital importance of launching a New Deal for Global Food Policy.
The Kyoto Protocol will expire in 2020, so the world has to reach a new, global deal that covers all countries after 2020.
Environmentalists say that any new global deal on climate must restrict the growth of CO2 levels to 450ppm, though more pessimistic scientists say that the world is heading for 550ppm or even 650ppm.
High Food Prices: a New Deal for Global Food policy.
If there can be serious discussion about the proposal of a global green New Deal during the G20 summit, it will be an opportunity for world leaders to match their words with deeds.
New emerging countries should deal with the negative impacts made by capital inflow from three aspects, i. e. country level, regional level and global level.
New emerging countries should deal with the negative impacts made by capital inflow from three aspects, i. e. country level, regional level and global level.