Reorganizing a partition will put the entire table offline if the partitioned table has any global indexes besides XML column path indexes.
The hypervisor has access to the entire memory space, and maintains the memory allocated to partitions through a global partition page table.
The global partition page table consists of the mapping of PMBs to the LMBs of different partitions.
The following examples illustrate partition-level REORG on a table that has no global indexes.
以下例子阐明了如何在不含全局索引的表上应用分区级别reorg ?
The POWER Hypervisor performs virtual memory management using a global partition page table, and manages any attempt by a partition to access memory outside its allocated limit.
POWER Hypervisor使用全局分区页表执行虚拟内存管理,并管理分区尝试访问超出其分配限制之外的内存的请求。
The POWER Hypervisor performs virtual memory management using a global partition page table, and manages any attempt by a partition to access memory outside its allocated limit.
POWER Hypervisor使用全局分区页表执行虚拟内存管理,并管理分区尝试访问超出其分配限制之外的内存的请求。