Surrounding the Milky Way are thousands of spherical globular star clusters containing some of the oldest stars in the Universe.
They simply don't have enough gravity to hold them together, unlike their much more massive Cousins, the globular star clusters.
Of course, M13 is now modestly recognized as the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules, one of the brightest globular star clusters in the northern sky.
whether it hosts a good variety of different types of star, which excludes globular clusters which contain only similar stars;
These are globular clusters - groups of a million or so stars crammed into a volume that elsewhere would accommodate barely a single star.
No single star formation mode with a constant star formation rate (ser) and an invariable initial mass function (IMF) can fit the observations of globular clusters.
No single star formation mode with a constant star formation rate (ser) and an invariable initial mass function (IMF) can fit the observations of globular clusters.