To answer this question, let's use Universal time (UT), also sometimes referred to as Greenwich Mean time (GMT).
This traditional server emits the current time to a connected client, but for SCTP, I emit the local time on stream 0 and Greenwich Mean time (GMT) on stream 1.
The Expires header specifies a Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) expiry.
Expires报头用于指定格林尼治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time,GMT)有效期。
The image was taken approximately 38 minutes after midnight Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), while the International Space Station was located over the southern Atlantic Ocean.
Greenwich mean time (GMT) is mean solar time at the Royal Greenwich Observatory in Greenwich, London, England, which by convention is at 0 degrees geographic longitude.
I put this time zone conversion chart together to show what time it will be in other parts of the world at exactly 11:11 Greenwich Mean time (GMT).
I put this time zone conversion chart together to show what time it will be in other parts of the world at exactly 11:11 Greenwich Mean time (GMT).