Let's go for a quick swim in the pool.
Would you rather see a film or go for a swim in the nearby river on a fine Sunday afternoon?
Not many of our readers would choose to go for a swim in such low temperatures, but in some countries, ice swimming has been popular for centuries.
Based on your past experience you know the water will be cool and refreshing, and playing in the waves will be fun, so you decide to go for a swim.
It's very hot today.You can go for a swim in the sea.
In Algiers no one says "go for a swim," but rather "indulge in a swim."
It's very hot today. You can go for a swim in the sea.
Don't just sit around! Go for a walk, jog, swim or cycle. For a change, try dancing or doing callisthenics in time to your favourite tunes.
This would prevent a disaster, in case Cognac decided to go for a swim in the spring, basket and all, instead of delivering it to Brad as we'd planned.
Our company also provides us a swimming pool. We can swim in it for free, and I like to go swimming with my workmates after work and at weekends.
You can go for a swim in the sea.
How did you decide? Based on your past experience you know the water will be cool and refreshing, and playing in the waves will be fun, so you decide to go for a swim.
How did you decide? Based on your past experience you know the water will be cool and refreshing, and playing in the waves will be fun, so you decide to go for a swim.