So, if you still want to keep on doing your treadmills/bikes and cardio burn classes without weight training, and continue your impossible mission for a lean and toned physique, go for it!
(皮包骨就是没有肌肉,到处都是脂肪和骨头),也因此,如果你还想继续骑脚踏车和上燃脂课程却又不进行体能训练的话,那么就别想要一个苗条而又健康的身体了。 这样,你还想继续下去吗?
So, if you still want to keep on doing your treadmills/bikes and cardio burn classes without weight training, and continue your impossible mission for a lean and toned physique, go for it!
(皮包骨就是没有肌肉,到处都是脂肪和骨头),也因此,如果你还想继续骑脚踏车和上燃脂课程却又不进行体能训练的话,那么就别想要一个苗条而又健康的身体了。 这样,你还想继续下去吗?