"Well, go on," said Camilla, her voice fairly steady.
Some may go so far as to dip into their endowments to keep spending levels steady or use them to make loans to charities on the ground.
Questions on steady state, before we go to the next approximation.
Social production could go on wheels to some extent, and social order remained comparatively steady.
You have to do things like wake up before noon, go to the grocery store on your own, and try to hold down a steady job.
It is necessary to start up rural market, for which not only curbs deflation, but also promotes our economy to go on the path of sustaining steady rapid growth.
Mary never let go her clutched hold on the rails. She wanted them to steady her, in that heaving, whirling court.
Then, you've got to stay steady on the shot - don't take a flyer at it because your cue action will just go to pieces.
Perhaps I won't be able to go on like this forever, but I've been able to create a steady stream of images for some time now.
Perhaps I won't be able to go on like this forever, but I've been able to create a steady stream of images for some time now.