I'd never let you go short of anything.
Mothers regularly go short of food to ensure their children have enough.
The children mustn't go short of food.
The children must not go short of food.
The field near the reservoir can hardly go short of water.
He never allowed his wife to go short of anything she wanted.
No old person should have to go short of coal to heat their home in the winter.
Industrial countries need never go short of food because of crop failure, since they can always afford to buy enough on world markets.
When you really have to go, you shall leave by one of my short cuts.
She is not short of excuses when things go wrong.
But since Mr Obama has such a short record in public life, voters have little to go on but their perception of his personality.
In the short term, as the success of the debt issue on July 14th showed, they should be able to go about their business.
“Racing is something you cannot win unless you go through a period of sleeplessness and desperation and develop new technology in a very short period of time,” he says via an interpreter.
The company insists that it is illiquid, not insolvent, but the size of the loan suggests that its problems go beyond a short-term cash crunch.
Science tells us that if he brushes regularly, Lewis probably got the short end of the hygiene stick as far as bites go: Despite the myth, dogs mouths are not cleaner than human mouths.
Sit down with a piece of paper and make a list of your five short term goals along with a list of all of your debts; you should already have these ready to go.
The model can range across markets and go short (bet on falling prices) as well as long, so the theory is that there will always be some kind of trend to exploit.
Previous work by this group showed that people with two short versions of the gene (one from each parent) are more likely to be "owls", preferring to get up late and go to bed late.
When life is short and the moment of victory far in the future, why go through all this?
Maybe the trendy messaging website coaxes contributors into feeling anonymous and uninhibited. Perhaps its short-burst format encourages streams of consciousness that go tragically unedited.
They can start up, collect considerable amounts of money fromconsumers, go out of business, change their name and emerge as a new entity ina very short period of time.
He added: "the other consequence is that if loads of staff go off with swine flu that will leave us short-staffed, which is dangerous to patients."
Just a short year ago, that would have led me to define what data binding is, go into the concepts involved, and generally be boring for several pages worth of article text.
In the future, Catcher in the Ryeand his handful of short stories will have to go into the publicdomain, where they're open game.
Failing to buy Yahoo! Leaves Microsoft well short in its bid to go after the ultimate champion of the Internet: Google.
Go grab a pen and some paper now, and notice how you improve within even a short period of time.
Go grab a pen and some paper now, and notice how you improve within even a short period of time.