Owen and Goddard scored a goal apiece.
From the very beginning, Stuart Leslie Goddard, a.k.a. Adam Ant, knew he was going to be a star.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center
美国航空航天局 /戈达德太空飞行中心
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center manages the telescope.
Solar Dynamics Observatory Webpage at Goddard Space Flight center.
Pamela Conrad, astrobiologist, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
NASA is building the Webb telescope at the Goddard Space Center, outside Washington DC.
Drew Shindell is a climate scientist with the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Goddard built on the work of 17th century artillery innovator Kazimierz Siemienowicz, a Pole.
We used a general circulation model, ModelE, from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York.
Dean Pesnell, project scientist for the Solar Dynamics Observatory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies also reports that 2010, so far, is the warmest out of 131 years.
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., manages the acquisition of GOES-R instruments for NOAA.
It wasn’t quite the same as the Jazz Lady, Helen Goddard and her 15 year-old pupil who were in the headlines last week.
This image is based on data from the Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (MPA) produced at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
This image is based on data from the Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (MPA), produced at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
They've made arrangements with Goddard, an organization that provides assistance to married couples looking for places to live.
他们和高达德(Goddard)达成了约定,他们一完婚就能住上公寓(Goddard 是一家服务机构,专门帮助已婚夫妇寻找住所)。
Jackson, who works at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, also likes the idea that their research at Racetrack Playa has a dual purpose.
Goddard released this set of maps comparing "seasonal mean temperature anomalies" for the last two winters (left) and summers (right).
Scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), led by James Hansen, released an analysis that addressed these questions.
The researchers used a supercomputer at NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center to simulate 75,000 particles bumping around the Kuiper belt.
研究人员们利用NASA戈达德航天中心(GoddardSpaceflight Center)的超级计算机模拟了柯伊伯带中75000个微粒的碰撞情况。
Yet, according to the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, a part of NASA, America’s space agency, 2008 was the ninth-hottest year on record.
So bits of greenery in yards or urban parks need attention, Goddard and his colleagues argue in the February Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
The model is called the Goddard Earth Observing System model, Version 5 (GEOS-5), and it is the highest-resolution global climate model to date.
使用的模型被称为戈达德地球观测系统模型第5版(GEOS -5, Goddard Earth Observing System Model, Version 5),是迄今为止分辨率最高的全球气候模型。
"Building new coal-fired power plants is ill conceived," said James E. Hansen, a leading climatologist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Any interesting science can be done much cheaper with an unmanned robotic spacecraft said chemist Joseph a Nuth from NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center.
Addleshaw Goddard, a law firm, has created the role of legal director as an alternative to partnerships for women who want to combine work and motherhood.
AddleshawGoddard ,一家律所,为想兼顾做妈妈和工作的女性创造出了法务主管这一职位作为合伙人职位的替代品。
Addleshaw Goddard, a law firm, has created the role of legal director as an alternative to partnerships for women who want to combine work and motherhood.
AddleshawGoddard ,一家律所,为想兼顾做妈妈和工作的女性创造出了法务主管这一职位作为合伙人职位的替代品。