It would stop growing taller, because that plant would sense that it wasn't going to get enough sunlight to provide the energy to grow large.
Prospecting trenches crossed the field not far from where the desalination plant was going up.
I expect that with your concern for plant sentience you are no longer cutting your grass, buying flowers or eating any fruits or vegetables yourself. How is that going for you?
Three-quarters of all the world's plant genetic material may have gone already, mostly by habitat destruction, says Pasquale Steduto of the FAO, and more is going every day.
If you've been following the news, you've seen some pretty alarming stuff going on at this plant — terms like "explosion," "partial meltdown," "evacuation," and "radiation exposure." Scary stuff.
There are several types of nuclear fission reactors in Japan, but we're going to focus on the Fukushima Naiishi plant, probably the most hard-hit facility in the country.
With Russia saying that they are going to have an expedition next year to plant their flag on the North Pole.
I'm actually going to use a subset of the WordNet model here, containing only those nouns beneath "plant life" in the hyponym hierarchy.
Even if a farmer wanted to plant something more productive this year, and could afford to, he could not—unless research work had been going on for years.
"By going for one name, we missed the majority of information mankind knows about that plant, which isn't too clever," said Paton.
When we start writing code, you're going to see that difference, but for now, don't worry about it, I just want to plant that idea.
Why plant it if the crop is just going to rot in the field?
We are going to set up a new plant in this area.
Workers at a plant in Foshan, Guangdong province, that makes transmissions for Honda won pay increases of 24% to 34% after going on strike for two weeks.
"If you build a nuclear power plant and operate it well, it's going to produce a steady stream of income," Moniz noted.
Experts' estimates of carbon dioxide emissions are based on fuel going into power plants and complex formulas that calculate power plant efficiency.
Earlier this year, Washington criticized Russia for going ahead with the planned opening of the plant amid global disagreement and concern over Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program.
For example, I remember touring a manufacturing plant 20 years ago and the plant manager telling me that nearly all of his new capitalization expenses were going toward pollution-control equipment.
That he took on this diet is also a powerful demonstration of how the plant-based diet is going mainstream.
So if you want a plant that is going to be better at getting water and nutrients, you’ve got to have better roots.
Before going into any battles at all they used to take a wooden stick and plant it in the ground, standing up, and pretend it was the enemy they had to fight.
Q: Iran said it is going to launch the new Bushehr nuclear power plant within this year and France is planning to push for new sanctions against Iran within the EU.
Then I'm going to plant them under this tree.
So when she announced recently that she was going to plant a vegetable garden at our current house in New Jersey, my first thought was: 'How much is this going to cost me?'
It's not a religion with me, it's just that the closer we get to a 100 percent plant-based diet, the better off we're going to be.
You're not going to plant corn seeds today, and enjoy corn-on-the-cob tomorrow.
You're not going to plant corn seeds today, and enjoy corn-on-the-cob tomorrow.