When the film came out the critics went wild, hailing Tarantino as the golden boy of the 1990s.
Its branches were golden, and silver fruit hung down from them. And the little boy whom he loved was standing under the tree.
One day a village boy came up and asked, "Tell me, where did you come at this golden chain about your waist?"
有一天,一个村童走上来问:“告诉我,你腰上的那条金链是从哪里来的呢? ”?
But Edison's electric lamp, patented in 1880 was the marketplace's favorite, bringing light to the masses and turning the 33 year old Edison into America's golden boy.
Even the popular boy wizard Harry Potter has to battle a deadly dragon and get back a golden egg from its nest in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".
He asked him if he had seen the house with the golden Windows. The boy said "Sure, I know." and invited him to sit on the porch.
The boy wears a golden watch while his father wears a gold one.
"The golden boy has magic and mystery," Dr Hawass told reporters at Luxor yesterday.
He has been a golden boy of basketball.
Sure, there will be whispers at luncheons and cocktail parties, but her son is still America's golden boy, which earns her the "My son is better than yours" award.
Now De La Hoya can focus more on his duties as president of Golden Boy Promotions, helping to bring attention to talented up-and-comers like Ortiz and the sport in general.
A new musical production of Roald Dahl's children's story at the Theatre Royal in London concentrates on the up-from-poverty fortune of Charlie Bucket, the boy who finds the golden ticket.
Look, he is a handsome boy. He has two blue big eyes and golden yellow hair.
The face of the golden boy is amazing. It has magic and it has mystery.
After the King left, one day, the boy, in his wanderings about the palace, came to the wild man's cage, and sat down close by it, playing with his golden apple.
It is this clear and precise thinking that everyone at the club is familiar with when it comes to 'the golden boy'.
And most importantly, wondering who the beautiful golden haired boy was who took my breathe away.
He was hailed as the golden boy of athletics and was said to be certain to win a medal at the Olympic Ggames.
To add a magical and sacred to all their golden boy.
You can build the golden boy again 9 urn in a textbook of the building and chanted Cambodia held for years.
When the golden boy was killed in a freak accident, their father (Robert Patrick) heaped guilt on Cash, raging, "the Devil did this!"
He has been a golden boy of basketball.
"Before the Olympic Games, I broke my foot, " said the golden boy, silver medallist in 2007 Melbourne Worlds.
"Before the Olympic Games, I broke my foot, " said the golden boy, silver medallist in 2007 Melbourne Worlds.