About Casey Martin and his claim for a golf cart.
Until now electric vehicles have been more like a golf cart.
Why would you not say that the PGA must give him a golf cart?
为什么你们认为,PG A不必给他一部球车?
There is a 3 car garage plus covered parking for a Golf cart.
You can be struck by a golf ball, you can be hit by lightning, you can have a golf cart accident.
Car battery, Forklift battery, Golf cart battery, Maintenance free battery, Dry charged battery.
The beauty of the seventeenth hole is marred by one of the worst placements of a golf cart path ever.
The F5 is the first custom golf cart chiseled from a classic Italian sports car architecture, its maker says.
F 5是第一款定制高尔夫球车,从一款传统的意大利跑车构架打造而成,它的制造者如是说。
The process is arduous but it is the only way to drive a golf cart-sized buggy around a planet 100m miles away.
How many here think that, from a moral point of view, Casey Martin should have a right to use a golf cart?
If the clothes make the man, as the old expression goes, shouldn't it also be true that the golf cart makes the golfer?
His first motorcycle was a 1979 Sportster, but the first Harley he ever rode was the brand's three-wheel golf cart.
A player whose clubs are transported on a motorized golf cart hired an individual to perform all the other duties of a caddie.
Accredited and authorized by the manufacturers, it is mainly engaged in trading of Mine Machinery Go Kart Golf Cart Electric Cart.
The island sits adjacent to a boutique resort with white sandy beach, tiki bar/restaurant just a quick golf cart/boat/jetski ride away.
And so he asked the PGA, which governs the pro tour in golf, to be able to use a golf cart when he competed in professional tournaments.
Some 20 golf cart-like vehicles start transporting visitors today at the Urban Best Practices Area in the Puxi section of the Expo site.
Students debate whether the PGA was wrong in not allowing a disabled golfer, Casey Martin, to use a golf cart during professional tournaments.
If so, you won't want to be without Pennwick's new F5 Sports Car Custom Golf Cart, which is virtually guaranteed to make all others wither in shame.
Electric golf cart batteries are one type of relatively inexpensive deep-cycle battery that is often used for energy storage in smaller PV systems.
Bush drove the two of them away in a golf cart after doing a playful 360-degree maneuver in front of the gathered media. The two were off for a private dinner.
布什亲自驾着高尔夫球的专用 电频车,载着布朗在众多的新闻媒体面前转了一圈,便驶离机场前往他的度假村,准备当晚共进晚餐。
Our company are specialised in manufacturing various kinds of golf, Golf cart, equipment supplies to practice and mechanical equipment supplies in the Golf course.
The really surprising part was how Jones arrived at the scene: rather than screeching to a halt in a squad car, he approached, almost silently, in an electric golf cart.
At this point, it looks like a souped up golf cart. But engineering professor Cho Dong-ho, the manager of the OLEV program, says some revolutionary technology is on board.
At this point, it looks like a souped up golf cart. But engineering professor Cho Dong-ho, the manager of the OLEV program, says some revolutionary technology is on board.