Gone With the Wind is an American romance film adapted from the novel of the same name.
The tale of a young girl and her dog Toto, whisked from Kansas into a magical realm, was a huge hit and vied with Gone With the Wind as the most spectacular film to date.
The program frequently conjured upimages and music from Oscar-winning film blockbusters ofyore, from "Gone with the Wind" to "Star Wars" and "Titanic."
In another, she reinterpreted Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh's classic pose from the 1939 film Gone with the Wind.
By the way, have you seen the film 'gone with the Wind '?
The film " Gone with the Wind" will be on Channel Twenty tomorrow evening, Vivian Leign is a very famous actress.
If you look at the Red Shoes or Gone with the Wind or the Wizard of Oz, it's film and they photographed them, but they look painterly and slightly unreal, like they're removed from our world.
Gone with the wind, the best film I've ever seen.
Gone with the wind, the best film I've ever seen.