In continuation, I will list these preconceived obstacles, try to explain their origins and give good arguments in refuting them.
The continuation of this situation does no good to the widespread application of administrative commitment and the protection of the benefit of private party.
I am quickly losing interest in my job, but if I stay around another five years I have a pretty good salary continuation package.
A little while back I wrote an article about the 4 principles of Good Design for Websites, this article is somewhat of a continuation of those principles.
Medical technology now than 20 years ago with the long-term progress, and some infected through medication do not have a lot of years the incidence and continuation of a good living conditions.
The continuation project of Dalian Port finished oil products berth is a good example for project study on the open sea oil berth.
The results of field test showed that adopting cascade geophone pattern can be results of good continuation of phase, enhanced amplitude and high signal-to-noise ratio on the records.
Repair the anatomical continuation of fibula and is good for ankle joint stability;
Fourier finite difference operator can be adopted to ensure good fidelity of seismic wave field in wave field continuation of complicated geology structure, bringing high quality image.
Fourier finite difference operator can be adopted to ensure good fidelity of seismic wave field in wave field continuation of complicated geology structure, bringing high quality image.