Good general education, preferably University graduates.
But running beneath the specific complaint, Refalo said, was a general impression that the ideals of good citizenship in French education as laid down by Ferry were being eroded.
In general prevention, the procuratorate should take reasonable measures from cultural market, education work and legal publicity and build a good exterior growth environment for the juveniles.
So while general education remains good, some industrial skills may be declining.
They also tend to be more educated, and education is one of the strongest predictors of good health in general and a longer life.
I feel good about the level of education in general, but want my kids to also maintain their mother tongue of English.
In a family having many children, as the parents have only limited in general, they cannot give their childrens good breading in food, clothing and shelter, let alone education.
We hope that they will receive a good education, so that they will be prepared to improve the general conditions of life in their region.
Objective to explore the best general rehabilitative education mode for patients with unsteadiness angina, help them to construct good health behaviors and increase their quality of life.
To explore the best general rehabilitative education mode for patients with coronary heart disease, help them to construct good health behaviors and increase their quality of life.
American University's general education curriculum, is often "a major change five years, three years a small change", to date has matured, there are many good and worth learning.
Each kind of education idea has its respective good and bad points, when general education curriculums design overall evaluation above four kind of education idea.
Each kind of education idea has its respective good and bad points, when general education curriculums design overall evaluation above four kind of education idea.