Then one July morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled short-sightedly down through the bus before he sat down.
It can be as simple as resolving to hit the gym twice this week, actually look people in the eye and great them good morning before you slide into your office, or making one new friend.
One morning after Ellen had hopped into the car, the driver, a father of one of the girls, turned around and asked, "How come no one says' good morning 'to me?"
I smiled back as one of the two women said "Good morning" to us as they were unloading a wheelchair from the side of a large white van.
The welcome he gave her was even warmer and more delighted than usual. We all smiled at one another. How bright and good the morning suddenly seemed to us!
Sarah:This one. (pointing to the advertisement for a movie)Let's see this. I heard it is really good. They were talking about it on the radio this morning on my way to work.
Looks good one can look in the mirror every morning when the people feel is a good first day, followed with a smile will come to bear in today's hard work!
When we got up in the morning, we went to visit one of my good friends.
I agreed to your proposal at the meeting this morning. It was a good one.
Like a good father, I took my 4-year old daughter to a so-called "rug concert" at her music school one Saturday morning, called that because you sit on the rug in a group and sing songs.
The two police women said "Good morning" to me one after another when they were passing me, so I answered them the same way individually.
Then one July morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled shortsightedly down through the bus before he sat down .
Then one July morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled short-sightedly down through the bus before he sat down.
One morning after Ellen had hopped into the car, the driver, a father of one of the girls, turned around and asked, "How come no-one says' good-morning 'to me?"
I agreed to your proposal at the meeting this morning, it was good one.
Good morning every one. It's my pleasure to attend the interview. Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is XXX, 19 years old.
Good morning every one. It's my pleasure to attend the interview. Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is XXX, 19 years old.