Many people talked of the 288,000 new jobs the Labor Department reported for June, along with the drop in the unemployment rate to 6.1 percent, as good news.
In the villages of the English countryside there are still people who remember the good old days when no one bothered to lock their doors.
People don't have a good sense of direction like me could travel without worries in another city with the help of a smart phone.
A good tip is to pick people out and look at them for around five seconds. Not looking at the audience gives the impression that you're either not interested in them or terrified of them.
As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year, people choose to eat jiaozi in the hope of having a good future in the coming new year.
The writer was also very good at writing about the everyday lives of poor children in London in the nineteenth century—his book made people care more about the problems of poor children.
It is found that people who frequent cultural places or participate in artistic events are more likely to gain good health compared to those who do not; more engagement with the arts is linked to a higher level of people's wellbeing.
To function well in the world, people need a good sense of where their body is in space and how it's postured.
If you know of something that people say is good but you know is harmful in the long term, run away from it.
It is not uncommon for firms to drop out of club bids along the way, although keeping a good name is essential in such a tightly knit group of people.
They found that, on average, people wake up in a good mood, which falls away over the course of the day.
Most people know that one of the keys to success in relationships is good listening.
It was the supreme beings who divided up the good things in life and handed them out to all of the people.
I wondered whether these four principles could be used to increase the amount of good luck that people encounter in their lives.
Despite years of good intentions, neither sanctions by the United States nor engagement by others succeeded in improving the lives of the Burmese people.
Sometimes one hears of stolen people acting as good genii to the living, as in this tale, heard also close by the haunted pond, of John Kirwan of Castle Hacket.
Robert Post of the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion in Washington says the message people can take from these guidelines is simple: Eat more of the good food and less of the bad.
All this is obviously good news for the billions of people who live in the BRICS (see article) and other developing countries.
Many people lack self-confidence, one of the major reason we get good results or not in life.
Propagandists built up Wang Jinxi, one of the drilling foremen in the field's early days, into a model worker who did not hesitate to risk his life for the good of the people.
Everywhere I traveled in Africa, people spoke in defense of conditionality—the attachment of good-governance strings to loans from the West.
While the Amazon is in generally good shape, in the upstream regions, such as Peru, there are many high density areas of people that inject threat into the system.
You have some people who are working all the heavy traffic all the time and other people working hardly any traffic, and that doesn't make for good controllers, in terms of keeping up the proficiency.
People are not good in the organization of their data, in general.
Though it may be possible to measure the value of material good in terms of money, it is extremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us.
I believe in the good intentions of others, and I trust people instinctively.
The good news is that the recommended daily dose of 0.4 mg is converted into folate in most people.
Most of the time, people who have asked me for an introduction do a good job of following up and use good judgement in the manner that they do so.
Most of the time, people who have asked me for an introduction do a good job of following up and use good judgement in the manner that they do so.