By listening to a bad example and a good example of service practice, we'll be studying skills that are useful in any industry, no matter whether you are dealing with internal or external customers.
In situations such as these, it's not a good practice to simply call the service and wait-especially if the service could process for more than a few seconds.
If you redeploy the whole web service application, it is a good practice to ensure that all runtime-generated files (which are specific to application servers) are created.
It is a good practice to collect status description from each invoke such as return codes etc. into a repeatable array and return the same back to service consumer.
In the strict scientific management work experience, in practice and in the run-in to establish a mature team, in a wide range of resources and good service brand building.
Production practice shows that synthetic detergentTHX1 is more practical in powder preventing with good effect, long service life and low cost.
生产实践证明:THX1工业合成洗涤剂作为防粉剂更为实用。 防粉效果好、使用寿命长、成本低。
Conclusion: the practice of "Good care service demonstration ward" improved the quality of nursing care service.
It was proved by practice that the newly designed speed reducer had a good reliability and long service time, which exerted great significance for normal operation of the producing plants.
The European Union provides its members with a comparatively good service in financial privacy protection, but the members mostly have their own choices in practice.
The European Union provides its members with a comparatively good service in financial privacy protection, but the members mostly have their own choices in practice.