You can always bargain here, but goods tend to come and go quickly so if you like it, buy it now!
The English word ‘bargain’ cannot be adequately translated into Russian because the notion of high quality goods for little money is unknown to them.
Retailers hope the case will allow them extensive freedom to sell top branded goods at bargain basement prices.
Consumers worldwide will, therefore, continue to benefit from China's ability to offer a wide choice of goods at bargain prices.
But persistent over-capacity sets the stage for a gloomier prognosis: bargain-priced goods, squeezed profit margins and more unemployment.
This may seem obvious, but it's the biggest secret to getting top-notch goods at bargain-basement prices: the more expensive parts of town will have better items for sale.
Even in the traditional way of shopping, and retailers and to bargain for the selected goods is not an easy task, the two sides do not meet the network on a more even more difficult.
These are bargain goods, you can't refund or exchange.
There is a Bargain day at the end of every month. all goods are sold 30 % off.
A consequence of this: the town is loaded with small clothing and shoe shops containing real, brand-name goods, at bargain prices.
A consequence of this: the town is loaded with small clothing and shoe shops containing real, brand-name goods, at bargain prices.