Levying estate tax and income tax are considered to be goods tax.
Certificate of payment of value-added tax or export goods tax-paid slip.
The third announcement from Senators Kerry and Graham is that “we should consider a border tax” on goods from countries with lax environmental standards.
Among expenditure taxes, a flat tax-rate on final goods is less distortive than a panoply of excise taxes since it affects spending decisions less.
India needs a nationwide goods and services tax by next April.
The sales tax, for instance, applies only to goods, even though California has become a service economy.
Tax carbon-emitting goods so they cost the same as normal goods.
A carbon tariff would be a tax levied on imported goods proportional to the carbon emitted in the manufacture of those goods.
Tax electronic goods so it costs more to buy a new one than get them fixed.
And on two previous occasions it has reduced the level of tax rebates that exporters of energy-intensive goods can claim, in some cases down to zero.
A goods and services tax is supposed to be rolled out by next year, to help plug the budget deficit.
States have to come to grips with how they're going to continue to tax sales of goods and services in the future.
The Parliament at Westminster controlled the south and east. From there it raised troops and imposed two new forms of taxation, the assessment and the excise (a tax on the purchase of goods).
位于西敏国会控制南部与东部在此举兵并强徵两项新税 资产评估税和销售税(购买货品赋税) 所得远超以往国会课税总和.税务讽刺地如同查理治下时繁重.
Businesses without a fixed base selling goods o -r taxable services shall report and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the sale s activitees take place.
Article 8 For taxpayers who purchase goods or receive taxable services (hereibafter referred to as "purchasing goods or taxable services"), VAT paid or borne shall be the input tax.
If you own corporate equities, if you work for a corporation or if you buy goods and services from a corporation, you pay part of the corporate income tax.
But even if the state extends its sales tax to services as well as goods, it will need to reconsider what it can afford to provide.
He also announced the end of tax breaks on cars and white goods that made up part of last year's stimulus package.
The principle—that polluters pay for the damage they cause—is easily grasped, and it is politically attractive to tax “bads” such as pollution instead of “goods” such as work and entrepreneurship.
The biggest, an effort to prune the country's dreadful thicket of indirect taxes into a , an all-India Goods and Services Tax, has been pushed back by a year, to April 2012.
Accordingly, a tax is imposed on imports, and is then mostly reimbursed when finished goods are exported.
Accordingly, a tax is imposed on imports, and is then mostly reimbursed when finished goods are exported.