Where Google Flu Trends may prove more useful, however, is in the tracking of an epidemic once it is under way.
By making our flu estimates available each day, Google flu Trends may provide an early-warning system for outbreaks of influenza.
通过提供每日流感评估,Google Flu Trends可以为流感爆发提供早期预警。
Google flu Trends, which was launched last November, tracks and maps flu-related search queries to predict how many people in a given region actually have the flu.
Google just launched an experimental version of flu Trends that focuses only on the current flu outbreak in Mexico.
Google刚刚发布了一个实验版流感趋势(Flu Trends)产品,目前仅关注墨西哥当前的猪流感。
FLU TRENDS One of Google’s geniuses figured out that whenever people get sick, they use Google to search for more information.
流感趋势(FLU TRENDS) :Google的一位天才发现人们生病以后喜欢用Google搜索相关信息。
FLU TRENDS One of Google’s geniuses figured out that whenever people get sick, they use Google to search for more information.
流感趋势(FLU TRENDS) :Google的一位天才发现人们生病以后喜欢用Google搜索相关信息。