A gorilla got hold of a Nintendo DS games console that a young zoo visitor accidentally dropped into the gorilla enclosure, the Daily Mail of London reported Tuesday.
Bringing it back to Europe with him, he introduced the world to a new species of ape: the mountain gorilla (gorilla gorilla Beringe, in Beringe's honor).
Here are 14 pieces of advice and training tips from a 166 cm short man, with negative gorilla index and a 193 cm tall guy with positive gorilla index.
As Ramanathan puts it, "it's like we have a new gorilla sitting down at the table" -and it could turn out to be a very big gorilla indeed.
A 400-pound gorilla on the loose at a zoo in the Netherlands. A woman he bit and dragged remains hospitalized recovering from her injuries. The gorilla is back in its enclosure on public display.
It was a long way from King Kong, which is about a gorilla as a monster (a frightening animal), and helped to show a new idea: the real monster is man, while the gorilla is to be admired.
Was a baby gorilla rescued, gorilla named for him "Tarzan."
A young gorilla tries to open a pumpkin carved with a gorilla face and filled with fruit treats at the Cincinnati Zoo, Monday Oct. 30, 2000, in Cincinnati.
A young gorilla tries to open a pumpkin carved with a gorilla face and filled with fruit treats at the Cincinnati Zoo, Monday Oct. 30, 2000, in Cincinnati.