It is better to eat such kind of cheese as Swiss, cheddar, or Gouda.
To eat such kind of cheese as Swiss, cheddar, or Gouda . These ones.
We are the first company to make Gouda cheeses in an artisanal and natural way.
He seized this opportunity to make Dutch Gouda and now his firm, Yellow Valley, has annual sales of more than $152, 000.
As the sun begins to set on some of the most spectacular scenery of the whole trip, we race to reach Gouda before nightfall.
Aged gouda, cheddar and mimolette cheese go very well with red Bordeaux. It may be a cliché but port and stilton work very well together.
成熟的高德干酪(gouda),切达干酪 (cheddar)和米摩雷特奶酪(mimolette)跟波尔多红酒很配:另外,虽然有些老生常谈,但波特葡萄酒(port)与斯提耳顿干酪 (stilton)的确堪称绝配。
The production of Gouda cheese's Key control point include ferment time, curd time, soft ang hard degree about the clot and the control for acidity.
The production of Gouda cheese's Key control point include ferment time, curd time, soft ang hard degree about the clot and the control for acidity.
Working around the clock, we induced strangulation in a mouse. This was accomplished by coaxing the rodent to ingest healthy portions of Gouda cheese and then making it laugh.
Working around the clock, we induced strangulation in a mouse. This was accomplished by coaxing the rodent to ingest healthy portions of Gouda cheese and then making it laugh.