Mr. Weber also says he was isolated at the ECB governing council.
The ECB governing council meets hours before the EU summit on Thursday.
On Iraq, Kong said China welcomes the establishment of the Iraqi Governing Council.
The agreement of the bank's policy-making governing council is a watershed moment for the ECB.
It had to be done before the crash of the 'second moon', and without knowledge of the governing council.
His strong academic grounding gives Mr Weber an assurance that others on the ECB's governing council may lack.
The Governing Council thus regards the current historically low level of ECB interest rates as appropriate.
One of Mr Trichet's strengths was his mastery at mustering consensus, where possible, on the bank's governing council.
We are very pleased about the decision of the Governing Council of the ECB that the new bank headquarters will now be built.
The Governing Council of the ECB looks forward to witnessing their action in this regard and will continue to support their efforts.
The Governing Council welcomes the decision by the Commission to request more consolidation efforts from a number of countries.
The latest increase added to the risks the ECB carries on its balance sheet – and of fresh splits on its 23-strong governing council.
But his isolation at the governing council and his premature departure suggest a worrisome philosophical shift at the European Central Bank.
The new edition of the Principle of International Commercial Contracts was unanimously approved by the Governing Council in April 2004.
At Oxford, Dr. Hamilton succeeded a vice chancellor whose popularity sank after he tried to add more nonfaculty members to the governing council.
ECB governing council member Ewald Nowotny of Austria said Greece should be given more time to repay financial aid rather than issuing new loans.
Equally important, the governing council now judged that the risks to growth were on the downside, whereas in August they had considered them balanced.
However, given the current economic environment, the Governing Council does not see the risk of this translating into inflationary pressure in the near future.
Policy is set by the bank's governing council, which consists of the 17 heads of euro area central Banks plus the six members of the executive board, which includes Mr. Trichet.
On the basis of its regular economic and monetary analyses, the Governing Council concluded that it continued to expect price stability to be maintained over the medium term.
Xibang building materials company in Guangdong Province, the Institute of cooperation in scientific research units, and the governing Council of Guangdong building materials unit.
The Bank of England's monetary policy committee and the European Central Bank's governing council meet this week amid a clamour for rate cuts unprecedented in their brief histories.
Mr Bremer himself displayed "distaste, bordering on contempt" for some of the figures in the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC), the body he set up to put an Iraqi face on the occupation.
ECB Governing Council member Nowotny said that the ECB is currently debating exit strategies and does not see any problem with the EU aid or the involvement of the IMF in the Greek crisis.
Yves Mersch, head of Luxembourg's central bank and a member of the ECB's governing council, said at the weekend that any adjustments to the bank's collateral policy would amount to fine-tuning.
卢森堡中央银行行长Yves Mersch说到周末,对银行抵押政策的任何调整将会走上正轨。
First, he said, from next year, the ECB governing council will only meet to set interest rates every six weeks, rather than every month, as has been the case since the euro was launched in 1999.
On June 20, 1676, the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, held a meeting to determine how best to express thanks for the good fortune that had seen their community securely established.
On June 20, 1676, the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts, held a meeting to determine how best to express thanks for the good fortune that had seen their community securely established.