The impasse over the debt ceiling has yet to affect the bond markets: yields on government debt have actually dropped as the economic outlook has turned gloomier.
Then again, since central Banks are such big players in government-bond markets these days, is the yield a true "market price"?
The plunge of weaker-country government bond prices raises new fears about the health of European Banks, which are big holders of sovereign debt.
In 1995 Japanese corporate-bond yields were just 16 basis points higher than government-bond yields; the spread in America last month was 350 basis points.
International coordination will avoid the policy being seen as a sign of weakness or panic at the individual country level, with costs to currencies and government bond markets.
The euro crisis has spread to Italy, the world’s third-largest bond market, which means the stock of rich-world government debt that is considered safe has shrunk dramatically.
The Shanghai Stock Exchange government bond index ended flat at 120.71.
This year will be a record one for government-bond issuance, and some countries fret that they may be elbowed aside in the rush to the well.
If Mr Bowers is right, low government-bond yields could lose their appeal and equities could rebound.
The latest bail-out package will not improve the mood. Banks face nationalisation following a 50% haircut on their government bond holdings.
Companies only pay out a fraction of their earnings as dividends, so the earnings yield was then much higher than the government-bond yield.
Officials are still haunted by the collapse of China's government bond futures market in 1995 – just two years after such trading was introduced.
Investors jumped back into the Treasury bond market as they shunned stocks for the safety of government debt.
The bond bubble is getting ready to burst, which will collapse the U. S. government debt bubble with it.
The graphic representation of the various interest rates at the various tenors of a particular government bond market gives a snapshot of interest rate expectations over time.
The yield on the 10-year U.K. government bond fell to a record low of 2.933 percent on March 13 after the bank began the program.
Yields on the 10-year government bond fell to as low as to 2.56% last week.
It is offering an extra percentage point of interest to investors in its latest bond issue, should Jon Corzine, MF's chief executive, quit to take a government job before July 2013.
The ECB's earlier bond-buying hasn't saved smaller countries from punitively high government-bond yields; the Fed's previous interventions haven't spurred a robust recovery.
Fitch added that it would consider putting the country on negative watch if a "sustained rise in [Japanese Government Bond] yields... worsened the sovereign's debt dynamics."
Fitch added that it would consider putting the country on negative watch if a "sustained rise in [Japanese Government Bond] yields... worsened the sovereign's debt dynamics."