If you don't pursue certification, it's like getting a degree in computer science and then not taking any additional training after you graduate.
I've worked in the field of search for the past eighteen years, having been introduced to search in 1990 as a graduate student in computer science.
Graduate courses in computer science, computer engineering, and business are likely targets.
In September, the king inaugurated the king Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST), a graduate-level school devoted to advanced scientific research.
I am writing to you in the hope of studying Medical Science under your guidance as a graduate student.
On May 13th Wisconsin’s governor approved $50m for a new local graduate programme in freshwater science.
Explains science writer Richard Panek, who spoke about these oddities of our universe on Monday (May 9) at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY) here in Manhattan.
"Explains science writer Richard Panek, who spoke about these oddities of our universe on Monday (May 9) at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY) here in Manhattan."
Some graduate students in science, technology, engineering and math—or STEM—only do research, under the guidance of a mentor.
Mustapha worked with Luxin Wang, a graduate student in the food science program. Their research results were published recently in the Journal of food science.
Mustapha worked with Luxin Wang, a graduate student in the food science program.
Though we do need more women to graduate with technical degrees, I always like to remind women that you don't need to have science or technology degrees to build a career in tech.
Guided by this purpose, the University has defined academic and professional goals in the fields of management. computer science and engineering on both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
I am an English graduate of 2007 in Hunan University of Science and Engineering.
We are one of the largest departments on campus, in terms of undergraduate and graduate students majoring in computer science.
Li Shikai, 25, a graduate student in environmental science at Shanghai Ocean University, plans to travel home to Kaili, in Guizhou province, for Chinese New Year in February.
I've just graduate from Hunan University of Science and Engineering with a Bachelor's degree, and I study hard in my college.
A graduate degree in health, social science or an administrative discipline may be required.
This class is suitable for intermediate to advanced undergraduates or graduate students specializing in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and related fields.
About half of applied mathematics graduates enter graduate programs in a related field such as operations research, computer science, and business management.
Xiangchun, LU. What is behind the booming of housing market in urban China? An analysis from demand side and supply side. Graduate School of Information Science, Tohoku University.
College graduate in computer science or related disciplines.
This class is suitable for advanced undergraduates or graduate students specializing in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and related fields.
Columbia University's Graduate School of journalism is also jumping on the techie bandwagon, offering a dual-degree in journalism and computer science this fall.
Since 2006, in Graduate school of Urban Environmental Science, TMU.
I would like to apply for admission to Yale University in order to study for obtaining a graduate degree in science.
He has done graduate work in neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania and was previously senior science writer at Red Herring magazine.
He has done graduate work in neurobiology at the University of Pennsylvania and was previously senior science writer at Red Herring magazine.