Experiments reveal that the grain and flour mixed with malathion powder is a good method in controlling angoumois grain moth.
A small, pale gray moth (Anagasta kuehniella) now found worldwide, the larvae of which destroy flour and other stored grain products.
一种淡灰色小蛾子(斑螟粉斑螟属) ,现在这种蛾子遍布全世界,其幼虫会毁坏面粉和其他贮藏的谷物。
A small, pale gray moth (Anagasta kuehniella) now found worldwide, the larvae of which destroy flour and other stored grain products.
地中海粉螟:一种淡灰色小蛾子(斑螟粉斑螟属) ,现在这种蛾子遍布全世界,其幼虫会毁坏面粉和其他贮藏的谷物。
This article researches into the control method and control effect of the angoumois grain moth according Jo its harmful characteristics.
This article researches into the control method and control effect of the angoumois grain moth according Jo its harmful characteristics.