Few of the world's great rivers that run through grain-growing areas now reach the sea all the year round or, if they do, they do so as a trickle.
What's more, demand for animal products in developing countries is growing so fast that meeting it will require an extra 300 million tons of grain a year by 2050.
Yes, the growing middle class wants to eat more meat, which requires more grain, but older people tend to eat less meat, so the demand could be balanced as the population ages.
The global spike in grain prices over the past year is in large part due to the impact on grain supplies of the growing demand for meat.
Growing global demand for biofuels is also eating up grain production, and boosting prices.
They have also been blamed for increasing grain demand and pushing up prices at a time of growing threat of famine in some parts of the world.
Agriculture, the base of the economy, remains weak, and it is now more difficult than ever to steadily increase grain production and keep rural incomes growing.
But demand for grain is growing even faster. The council reckons it will reach 1,680m tonnes this year.
But demand for grain is growing even faster. The council reckons it will reach 1, 680m tonnes this year.
A third approach — growing paddy rice aerobically in raised beds — reduces the mobilization of soil arsenite and "can dramatically decrease arsenic transfer from soil to grain," McGrath says.
The impact on farmers, struggling after years of recession, will be mixed, with those growing grain benefiting from higher prices and those with dairy farms suffering a fresh blow.
Grain exports from Canada and the United States are pieces of the puzzle on how the world is going to feed its growing population.
He fell asleep again and had a second dream: Seven heads of grain, healthy and good, were growing on a single stalk.
Wheat prices have staged the most drastic rise in more than 50 years, as a drought in Russia fuels growing worries that it could lead to a global shortage of the grain.
How do you analyze weather reports during the critical growing seasons in the grain markets?
They are sure this is a local event and they are off to find out where the sun is shining and the grain is growing.
It has no advantage for close-growing vegetation such as lawns, pastures, or small grain crops.
Lushly growing are grain crops.
The method overcomes the shortcoming of grain growing above the initial crystallization temperature in annealing method, successfully preparing nano-crystalline material of very small grain .
Gen 41:5 he fell asleep again and had a second dream: Seven heads of grain, healthy and good, were growing on a single stalk.
In the northern parts of Russia, you're finding grain growing that was not possible to grow there 20 or 30 years ago, "he said."
To raise grain yield it is necessary to increase the investment in agriculture and to ensure proper scale of growing area under grain crops.
A world population growing in number and wealth will require one billion tons more grain each year, and two hundred million tons more meat.
The result showed that the sowing time has not marked influences on the increasing process of grain weight and the changing trend of the protein content in the growing process of the grain.
From the XRD spectrum it is found that the annealing plays a key part in the nano crystal grain forming and growing.
Growing azolla has less effect on increasing the grain yield in present cropping season, however, azolla incorporated as manure the rice grain yield of present season increased by 5%.
The article discusses and finds the Auster grain growing rules and relations of structure and properties of X70 steel in weld pipe and pipe accessories under the different heating temperature.
The article discusses and finds the Auster grain growing rules and relations of structure and properties of X70 steel in weld pipe and pipe accessories under the different heating temperature.