In order to maintain such a system works well, we must ensure that cows are free to graze, while the large area of grassland on the free walk, rather than relying on forage and grain pattern.
From scanning pattern, we can draw that the fresh arrange of soil grain directly reflects the state of moisture transfer.
As shown in Fig. 4.2, grain flow is the direction of the pattern that the crystals take during plastic deformation.
The main food pattern was high in grain and low in high quality protein. Fat of animal origin accounted for a large proportion of fat intake.
The pattern of aeration duct plays an important role in the efficiency and uniformity of mechanical aeration utilization for grain storage.
There were identical changes between seale, intensity, grain of ramet population distribution pattern and the stocking intensity in horizontal space.
Then region difference and space pattern of the per capita grain in Hunan were discussed, And per capita grain increment takes the share of grain increment.
The way I grade it is purely by requiring a premium price for those customers who specify a grain type, or pattern in their shafts.
The steel plate surface has a cultured and clear wood grain ectype and inhibit square space pattern the beauty is generous.
Panel data model is a roper method for investigating the influencing factor and driving mechanism of spatial pattern change of grain production.
The combining of GIS, spatial mean center statistics and spatial autocorrelation statistics, has provided us with visualized spatial information of spatial pattern change of grain production.
The tight layering of the CARDS creates a brilliant striped pattern, and, as Shaheen notes, the different shades of yellow resemble wood grain.
Position the pattern pieces on the right side of the fabric along the matching crosswise grain line, in order to keep the design balanced. This procedure will aid in mitering seams.
The result demonstrates that:(1)the characteristics of landscape types and landscape pattern of the study area change significantly with the increase of grain;
The aerosol grain in atmosphere is formed by agglomeration of polar gas, distributing in a triple peak pattern.
The distribution pattern is also strongly affected by the sediment type, and radiolarian abundance and diversity decrease with the increase of grain size and terrigenous material input.
If sequential pattern of grain reduction occurs, the density growth only gives information about the distribution of development induction period among grains.
Therefor, the different accumulation and remobilization pattern of carbon and nitrogen in vegetative organs may be one of the major reasons for different grain protein and starch contents.
The steel plate surface has a cultured and clear wood grain ectype, and inhibit square space pattern, the beauty is generous.
Through on the spot test and theoretical calculation, the regular pattern that the used hot blast parameters of the grain drier change with the variation of working conditions was revealed.
Dynamic reserve includes several changing factors, such as general scale of grain reserve, stock pattern (combination of physical stock and cash stock), variety structure and space-time layout.
The effects of modification, grain refinement, polystyrene pattern, pouring temperature on aluminum alloy porosity in LEC process is studied.
The products or the mold core need optical mirror, CD pattern, wood grain, diamond pattern, drawing lines, diamond-shaped pattern surface;
The products or the mold core need optical mirror, CD pattern, wood grain, diamond pattern, drawing lines, diamond-shaped pattern surface;