But they don't typically give feedback based on the syntax or grammaticality of what they say.
The grammatical meaning of a sentence refers to its grammaticality, that is its grammatical well-formedness.
In the study, grammaticality judgment task, reaction time technique, agent identification task and interviewing were used.
We respond to our kids like we respond to each other based on the message that's conveyed, not the grammaticality of the utterances.
Data were collected using a series of tasks: the instructed writing task, the grammaticality task and the post-writing questionnaire.
Its informality in this sense does not however mean that you just cobble it together, for I do expect cohesion, conciseness and grammaticality!
SOHH was not borne out in sentence combination test and the synthesized results of the two tests but was largely supported in grammaticality judgment test.
Reinforcement has been found to occur usually in children's pronunciation or reporting of the truthfulness of utterances, rather than in the grammaticality of sentences.
Thirdly, both regular writing and academic writing should be stressed for the former emphasizes grammaticality while the latter emphasizes creative idea and logical organization.
This thesis reviews the literature of implicit and explicit knowledge and gives a critical review to the studies measuring the two types of knowledge through grammaticality judgment test (GJT).
This thesis reviews the literature of implicit and explicit knowledge and gives a critical review to the studies measuring the two types of knowledge through grammaticality judgment test (GJT).