The next year, Bulgari rented the Grand Palais in Paris for an exhibit.
An interactive experience celebrating Claude Monet for the historic exhibition at Grand Palais, Paris.
First there is the noise, a -clamour that fills the -echoing vault of the Grand Palais like a great and -distant crowd.
“The state is restoring the Grand Palais,” read the first; “The Paris town hall is restoring the Petit Palais,” retorted the second.
On one side, workers were busy restoring the 14,900-square-metre glass-domed roof of the Grand Palais, built for the Universal Exhibition in 1900.
Images by Austrian artist Kurt Hentschlager are projected below the glass roof of the Grand Palais as part of the Dans la Nuit, des Images (in the Night, Images) event in Paris.
The main bulk of the exhibition, which runs until February 2, 2009, is at the Grand Palais and there are two associated exhibitions in two major Paris museums, Louvre and Orsay museum.
Waving from the red-carpeted steps of the Grand Palais were your Hankses and Diazes, your Brad Pitts and Mike Myerses — enough representatives of the rich and famous to fill a Cabala convention.
Waving from the red-carpeted steps of the Grand Palais were your Hankses and Diazes, your Brad Pitts and Mike Myerses — enough representatives of the rich and famous to fill a Cabala convention.