The correlation between peak bone mass and age, body weight or grasp force were analyzed by stepwise regression analysis.
On the superb technical grasp force, unique perspective, witty relaxed writing style, originality of content organization, have been greatly admired and emulated.
作者高超的技术把握力,独特的视角、诙谐轻松的写作风格、独具匠心的内容组织,都受到极大的推崇和仿效。- Effctive C+ + study notes。
Many excellent results have been deduced on closure analysis, grasp quality evaluation, optimal grasp planning (OGP), and dynamic force distribution (DFD).
An important topic of robotic multifingered manipulation process is the force closure problem of grasp configuration.
The mission of theoretical workers is to research into matter to grasp the essence of it so that their theory could be made exhaustive, persuasive, and capable of translating into material force.
But it will be easy to understand all these matters after a clearer definition of faith has been presented, to enable our readers to grasp its force and nature.
To grasp the opportunity, act when you are powerful, and accumulate force for action is the key for a decision maker to determine the victory ahead of time.
To grasp the opportunity, act when you are powerful, and accumulate force for action is the key for a decision maker to determine the victory ahead of time.